Exascale computing systems—capable of over 1018 floating-point operations per second (FLOPS)—represent a significant advancement in High-Performance Computing (HPC). To harness this power for scientific and industrial breakthroughs, participants stressed the need for robust policies, shared plans, and a flexible, energy-efficient infrastructure.
CERN: Defining the Technical Blueprint for a compute and data continuum

CERN leads the SPECTRUM work package dedicated to defining the Technical Blueprint for a compute and data continuum spanning HPC, cloud, AI, and emerging fields like quantum computing. This blueprint will cover topics such as high-end data processing, analysis, and logistics, including cybersecurity, storage, and cost-effective resource allocation. By uniting Europe’s top infrastructure providers, SPECTRUM aims to ensure seamless data sharing and sustainable computing capabilities across all scientific domains.

"Collaborating on projects like SPECTRUM is crucial for CERN and CERN openlab as they allow us to push the boundaries of scientific computing and data processing. By uniting with leading partners across Europe, we are laying a blueprint to address common research and innovation needs towards exascale computing, benefitting not only particle physics but also radio astronomy and many other scientific domains.”
Maria Girone, Head of CERN openlab