Updated 02/02/2024

SPECTRUM kicks off!

This week, SPECTRUM is kicking off in Amsterdam on January 30th to February 1st.

SPECTRUM unites leading European science organisations in HEP and Radio Astronomy together with e-Infrastructure providers to formulate a Strategy for a European Compute and Data Continuum. The project, coordinated by EGI Foundation, will deliver both a strategic agenda, and a technical blueprint for a European compute and data continuum.

During this 2-day meeting, project partners (EGI, CERN, OCA, CNRS, INFN, FZJ, NEOVIA, SURF, CINECA and ASTRON) discussed the plan of work, timelines, communication and dissemination strategies. Among other activities, the project will start to assembly a Community of Practice with relevant stakeholders in Radio Astronomy and High Energy Physics, as well as other neighbouring scientific domains. Also, the first project General Assembly is being held on February 1st.

SPECTRUM cannot succeed without the inputs from its main communities – HEP, RA, HPC – and by connecting with other expertise and initiatives such as EOSC. That is why the project intends to create a Community of Practice, gathering practitioners who will bring their knowledge and provide their feedback to pave the way for our data and computing continuum cyber-infrastructure European roadmap.

Corentin Lefèvre (NEOVIA Innovation), who will manage the Community of Practice on behalf of the project, says: Taking the best of collective intelligence and knowledge requires both a well-defined organisation and to put in place a friendly and living environment with a clear and concrete objective. With SPECTRUM we are particularly excited to participate to a major milestone in the computing continuum implementation for the coming years by organising the project Community of Practice alongside with the consortium

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"The launch of the SPECTRUM project marks a key moment towards establishing a European digital continuum for High Energy Physics and Radio Astronomy. Collaborating with leading scientific organisations, e-Infrastructure providers, we are embarking on an exciting path to lay the foundations for an Exabyte-scale digital research continuum."
Sergio Andreozzi, SPECTRUM Project Director